
Championing - [verb] - to support, defend, or fight for a person, belief, right, or principle enthusiastically
Welcome to Champions
for Youth!
Champion youth by creating school-based performing arts programs that expand access to the arts, build community, and develop life-long skills.

Championing Youth Through the Arts
When we create access to quality, and thoughtfully designed, performing arts programs we change kids' lives by changing their mindset, helping them build community and developing life, academic, & leadership skills.
Drake Shrader - CEO

The Data

Of parents believe the arts are important to a well-rounded education
Over 4 million students nationwide don’t have access to the arts.

Of Americans are in support of more arts education funding

School administrators believe that theatre improve students overall academic skills
Only 3.2% of the overall education budget goes towards the arts.

Feel that the arts should be a priority in education reform
Youth Voice
I was always someone whose sense of fulfillment and purpose came from art. Even when I’m sweaty and tired after a long rehearsal, I can probably be found in one of my best moods because I’m doing what I love. I think I was always meant to be a storyteller, and theatre is the medium that’s captured my heart.
Youth Voice
Through the arts I have developed great leadership skills, made incredible friends, and finally found that place I so desperately needed. There is no discrimination or exclusion when it comes to theater. All are welcome and most importantly, all are able to show up authentically.
Youth Voice
There are simply not enough words to express how critical an outlet is for developing youth. I am deeply thankful for my experience in the arts
Champion Arts
Champion Arts
The Champion Arts program is a school based program that bring the arts into the school building.
What the program does
Expands access to the performing arts for ALL students
5 phase process to ingrain performing arts in the school building
Designed to help kids develop life-long skills
Promotes positive youth development
Benefits for students
Develop life skills such as confidence, focus, and social emotional learning skills
Support academic growth such as growth mindset, problem solving, and engaging in school
Grow leadership skills such as teamwork, project planning, and communication
Benefits for teachers
Supports and builds on the work already being done in the classroom
Will support your students as they grow academically and personally